Seminário Internacional – Modernidade Global e Contestações Sociais


Rio de Janeiro, 24-26 May 2012
Institute of Social and Political Studies
State University of Rio de Janeiro
Venue: Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa

  • 24 May

    • 13:30 – Opening

      Director IESP-UERJ
      Director Casa de Rui Barbosa

    • 14:00 – 17:00 – Session 1: Modernity and Social Contestation: Contemporary Challenges

      LUIS TAPIA (Bolivia): "Trajectories of modernity and community movements"

      G. ALOYSIUS (India): "Demystifyng Modernity: In Defense of a Singular and Normative Ideal"

      JEFF GOODWIN (US): "Understanding Terrorism as a Strategy of Contention"

      Coordination and Commentaries: JOÃO MARCELO EHLERT MAIA (Brazil)

    • 17:30 – 20:30 – Session 2: Global Modernity and New Directions in Social Theory

      SUJATA PATEL (India): "Global Modernity and Social Theory"

      PETER WAGNER (Germany/Spain): "Towards a World-Sociology of Modernity"

      JOSÉ MAURICIO DOMINGUES (Brazil): "Vicissitudes and Possibilities of Critical Theory Today"

      Coordination and Commentaries: FREDERIC VANDENBERGHE (Belgium/Brazil)

  • 25 May

    • 09:00 – 12:00 – Session 3: Political Contestation and New Directions of Social Movements

      MARISTELLA SVAMPA (Argentina): "Extractive Industries, Neo-Development and Social Movements in Latin America"

      ELISIO MACAMO (Mozambique/Switzerland): "Global Modernity, Social Criticism and the Local Intelligibility of Contestation"

      BRENO BRINGEL (Brazil): "From Antiglobalization to Global Indignation: Spatialities, Dynamics of Diffusion and Transnational Contestation"

      Coordination and Commentaries: MARIA DA GLÓRIA GOHN (Brazil)

    • 14:00 – 17:00 – Session 4: Borders of Modernity, Space and Frontiers of Exclusion

      HERIBERTO CAIRO (Spain): "Borders Between Equals and Abyssal Lines in the Construction of Modern Europe"

      CRAIG BROWNE (Australia):"Half-Positions and Social Contestation: On the Dynamics of Exclusionary Integration"

      MONA ABAZA (Egypt):"Public Spaces, Forms of Contestation and the Urban Reshaping of Cairo: A Year After the 2011 Revolution"

      Cordination and Comentaries: PABLO GENTILI (Argentina/Brazil)

    • 17:30 – 20:30 – Session 5: Social Contestation, Rights and Citizenship in Comparative Perspective

      GABRIELA DELAMATA (Argentina): "The Politics of Rights (Using Rights for Changing Policies): Argentina in the Latin American Scenery"

      MARCELLE DAWSON (South Africa): "Movements and Movement Scholarship in South Africa (2000-2010): Challenge and Prospects"

      XI CHEN (China/US): "From Deprivation to Resistance: Worker’s Responses to Privatization in China"

      Coordination and Comentaries: CARLOS MILANI (Brazil)

  • 26 May

    • 10:00 – 13:00 – Conclusions and Final Debates
      Summary and Final Discussion
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